Solve icons not showing up - React Native Vector Icons

Gustavo Albuquerque Lima
1 min readNov 29, 2020


If you are having this problem and are breaking your head to solve it … I have the answer here to solve this problem, and it is very simple!

1. Add some code to the build.gradle (NOT android/build.gradle)

Go to the file: android/app/build.gradle and then add the following:

apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle"

First you need to apply the “react-native-vector-icons” module to the build.gradle

2. Then run in the terminal

Now go to the terminal and run the following:

npx react-native link react-native-vector-iconsnpx react-native run-android

Now you need to link the “react-native-vector-icons” module to React Native

In some versions React Native is not linking “react-native-vector-icons” automatically, so do you need to link them “manually”

I hope the React Native team will fix this in the next version



Gustavo Albuquerque Lima

Studies: React Native, Python, JavaScript, Node JS, C#, SQL, React.Js, Bootstrap, php, Pytorch and Numpy